Gold Prospecting Trip 5

Today we walked up the Hassayampa River for a little while. We saw lots of people out and about 4x4ing and playing horseshoes and other games in the middle of the river where its dry. We had a different course of action and that was to find the yellow metal gold.

We spent most of our time walking around and driving to places and looking at the geology and trying to figure out where placer gold would get trapped. It was more of a learning day rather than a pay day.

We will never lose hope finding gold. Our journey just began and we have a lot to learn before we can go out to find gold on a regular basis. Its not so much as how much gold we find, but more about the hunt and discovery. I know we won’t get rich at this, but ya never know. There are so many places to go and too much land to cover. I heard some folks who never went gold prospecting say all the gold has been got. Wrong. Most metal detectors only go down about two feet and only a small amount of ground has been worked. There is a huge abundance of gold left and mankind has only found 5% of it. It takes a long time to get the gold for us small miners because its a lot of work digging in the ground without heavy machinery. If it were not for our work schedule, we would be out here all the time during the week.

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